Input - allocates temporary variable
What does it mean when the documentation refers to whether something "does not allocate temporary variables" vs "allocates temporary variables"...
View Articlestoring the value in a temporary variable problem
Hello people, i want to make a pinball game fully in C#, i am using the gameion pinball template but rewrite it in C#. i run into the following problem when firing the pinball: if (CanUse == true) {...
View ArticleUnity Custom Editor: Temporary objects
I am writing a custom editor for a feature in the game. During the course of using this editor, it creates several temporary gameObjects to help with visualization in the Scene viewport. Questions: 1....
View ArticleTramsform.position Consider storing temp variable C# problem
I'm having problems trying to figure out what's wrong with what I have. It says "'UnityEngine.Transform.position'. Consider storing the value in a temporary variable" and I tried doing just that and...
View ArticleHow important is it to wrap temp variables/objects in a "using" block?
I know that with C# garbage collection happens automatically. But I've read that it only happens when memory is needed. Therefore, your game might still be taking up a larger memory footprint than...
View ArticleAssign a Material temporary (Will function in the built layer)
Hello, I am having trouble assigning a material temporary to a directory which will function in the built layer. I am trying to get the client assign a few pictures which it downloads (Coverd the...
View ArticleTemporary boost
In my 2D vertical platformgame i want to give my player a temporary jump boost. im thinking something like. if(hit.gameObject.tag == "Boost") { **var jumpheight =*2.0;** yield.WaitForSeconds(5.0)...
View ArticleCannot modify a value type return value of...
I was following along a tutorial on Youtube but it was written in JS but i translated it to C# but i get that error. Here is my code: headBobStepCounter += Vector3.Distance(parentLastPos,...
View ArticleUnity IOS(IPad2) auto exit app after loaded too many images
Hi, Do anyone know what is cause of auto exit after the app had load too many high resolution images? Your suggestion will be very appreciate. The function of the app is to load a super high resolution...
View ArticleAdd a temporary variable to an array
So I'm trying to add a temporary variable inside a function to an array. This variable is of a custom made class. Unfortunately I can't seem to get it to work. The array increases size but when I...
View ArticleBuff/debuff system (Temporarily change variables)
Hello everyone! I'm trying to design a buff/debuff system for my game (Like in games such as World of Warcraft). My first approach was a class called Effect. This class has override-able methods that...
View Articleconverting javascript to c#
Hey, I ran into a problem and I don't know how I can fix this, this task is easy to do in javascript, but for me it's quite harder in c# For an example of my problem I'll give you a part of the script...
View ArticleRemove Temp/Beast folder
Hello, After the lightmap process with Beast, I end up with the temp folder adding about 3 times the data that the current project has. I'm pretty certain I can remove it and be fine, but before doing...
View ArticleDeactivate 30 pro trial temporarily
I recently activated the 30 pro trial. Now I would need to make and official build which I previously have done with the free version. But because of the pro trial, I get the "trial version" watermark...
View ArticleGet a var's value plus X without modifying?
My camera follows (looks at) a GameObject that needs to be at the Player's 0,0,0. However I want the camera to follow 5 units in front of this GameObject. No matter what I've tried, the camera always...
View Articlehow to i increase a number temporally
so i have this script and i wana add running to it. i tried if input.getbuttondown but it not gona work like this. what do i do to get the number to go back to what it was after the button is released....
View ArticleReduce ConstantForce value after specified time. WaitForSeconds()?
heyhey again, another question!previously, i got help with manipulating the constantforce value on my object, upon entering a trigger. now, i'm trying to go beyond that, and do an additional...
View Articlemake good way to call function from update
Well here is a script where i try to add an effect to game that makes player see how score is added.... There is only one way how to add to real score - using tempScore which is temporary score where...
View Articletempory save a gameobject?
In my game when the player is hit gonna become a ragdoll then after a few secunds he become back to normal again, and i need to save all the variables in the player. So i can turn off all scripts and...
View ArticleBCW0006: WARNING: Assignment to temporary.
When the compiler goes through this javascript code, it gives me the warning "BCW0006: WARNING: Assignment to temporary." when I try to assign the z value of a Vector3 the only reference (useful) I...
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